Morehead Veterinary Clinic

103 Bartlett Dr
Morehead, KY 40351


Puppy / Kitten Visits

Crouch Kitty


By bringing your pet to our facility, you’ve taken the first step towards optimizing your pets’ health and well-being. Here at Morehead Veterinary Clinic, we recommend you schedule your puppy or kitten's initial appointment with our Veterinarians at 6 weeks of age. At this visit you can expect the following:

• Complete and thorough physical exam
• Your pet's initial round of vaccines as well as a schedule for booster vaccines
• An intestinal parasite screening
• Your puppy or kittens first dose of parasite control and/or heartworm prevention
• Recommendations pertaining to proper diet and nutrition for your puppy or kitten
• Recommendations as well as other information on behavior, house training, etc.
• Answers to any other questions in regards to your pet's health and well being

New puppy and kitten owners should expect to bring in their pet every 3 to 4 weeks for follow up physicals and booster vaccines. This schedule will continue until the pet is approximately 4 months old, when it recieves its yearly vaccinations. By complying to follow this schedule, you are allowing the veterinarian to monitor your pet's health condition, complete its proper vaccine series, as well as keeping the puppy or kitten up to date on proper heartworm and other preventative medications.

Here at Morehead Veterinary Clinic, we are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and health-related educational opportunities for our clients. And more importantly we strive to provide the most comprehensive and compassionate medicine for healthy and happy pets.




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